Archive: July 3, 2019

Major Internet Outage Affects Discord, Verizon, And Even Down Detector

Hey folks, just a new update.  So, here at Hyper Fusion, not only do we provide you with the best internet you can get in the greater Highland Lakes area, but we also keep an eye out on the internet for problems and other nefarious things going on.  As I’m sure alot of the folks on the south network can tell you, there have been some aggravating issues since the storm regarding slow speeds.  These major issues we can assure you are NOT within our wireless or fiber distribution networks.  The issue was caused by Cloud Flares global outage that dang near broke the internet.   Important lesson for all ISP’s there.  You DON’T put your entire control infrastructure in one place or with a 3rd party company, because when they tank so do you.  That’s why our north network didn’t go down because our north upstream provider runs their own network, just like Hyper Fusion.  Also why “the other guys” are still down and having heavy problems in Lampasas and we are not having ANY of those issues on the north network.

We have found an article from  that pretty much wraps it up.

To read the full story, CLICK HERE

South Network Upgrade On The Horizon

Hey folks, so after spending 2 different days with the onsite Spectrum guy and him checking out both our modems, he said that since both modems checked out for speed and the lines where good they couldn’t trade out gear?!?! Can you believe that?  They told us nothing they could do, even though our Technology manager sat there and showed him it clearly wasn’t working even when plugged directly into their modem.  Crazy.  With that in mind, we’ve elected to cancel our Spectrum uplink service all together and upgrade and switch over to big boy whole sale heavy duty fiber.  We believe this to be in the best interest of our customers.  We have already contacted them and the new fiber will be going live over the next couple weeks.  We will also be fiber connecting 2 other repeater sites as well as firing up our Granite Shoals Fiber to the home and business DMARC.  So spread the word far and wide, fiber is coming!  If you live in town Burnet, chances are, we’ll be able to get you direct fiber much sooner then the Kingsland or Granite Shoals folks so make sure you email  to ask about our Fiber to the Home and business products if you live in Burnet or Granite Shoals.

In the mean time, we have a fix we’ve devised that helps more people, just follow the link below to get the info.

The Team & Hyper Fusion, LLC